Jammo’s Music Report No.011

I can’t lie, it feels a little redundant to post about music and stuff at the moment, what with the looming apocalypse and all. Personally, I haven’t managed to do anything except check the news every three and a half minutes for the last few days. Nevertheless, here I am with another edition of the world famous Jammo’s music report. Hopefully, some of these tracks will brighten your days, as they have mine.
F.S.K. – Was Kostet Die Welt?
I’ve been ragging this 1981 New Wave plodder from München’s F.S.K. for quite some time, so it seems high time I include it here. The opening line, “Wenn Du einmal ganz tief unten bist, und in der Nacht bist Du wach, und am Tag bist Du müde, und der Kopf tut dir so weh”, is a pretty solid description of life right now.
Yasuaki Shimizu – Asate
This track is taken from the latest Yasuaki Shimizu reissue, Kirin. This long-lost follow up to Kakashi, has it all! Oodles of layered fluttering sax sections, whip-like percussion noises, icy synths and production to die for.
Cavern of Anti Matter – Blood Drums
This one has guided me on my morning rambles across Tempelhofer Feld throughout February; helping to shake off my post-Covid inertia. Its mechanical rhythms and soaring melodies transform any monochromatic trek into a full-blown technicolour abenteuer.
Basic Rhythm – Acid Track
Anthoney Hart reimagines acid house as a frozen soundscape. Stripping the music to its core elements and shaking up the snow globe until — like some Jeff Noon fantasy — only fragments of it remain.
DJ Mowgly – Cook Cook
From what I can gather, DJ Mowgly is another alias of Alec Empire. Seen here straddling the crossroads between classic jungle and darker tech sounds, Cook Cook was originally released on Digital Hardcore back in ’95. It’s steamy, sweaty stuff, perfect for any shamanic pre-apocalyptic sex party you may be throwing.
—/// Bonus Bits ///—
Telly // Love is Blind, Brazil: Ana and me have been binging this circus of detritus for the last few weeks and have loved every minute of it. For anyone who isn’t aware, this is the Brazilian version of Netflix’s ridiculous Love is Blind franchise. The premise being that single people will meet their soul mate through a fucking wall and agree to marry them “sight unseen”. Now, the US one is bad enough, and I’ve not watched the Japanese one yet, but this one, the Brazilian one, is amped up to 11!
From the offset, it’s an emotional rollercoaster. Speed dating on crack, jam packed with tears and drama. I may take the piss, but, I get very emotionally involved in this stuff and am 100% on team Dayanne!
Roll up and witness backstabbers, promises of love eternal and Thiago… perhaps the biggest misogynist arsehole ever to grace a modern dating show.
Achtung!!! All clips are cut to 1 minute, mega low bitrate. I do not own the rights to these recordings. If you see my shitty blog as a big risk to your gold medallions, jacuzzis and Ibiza beach houses, then contact me and I'll take it down!